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Your 2.0 Platform
Mael PELHATE avatar
Written by Mael PELHATE
Updated over a year ago

During 2023, OpenHealth upgraded the platform available to its customers to improve their day-to-day experience.

After several years of constant innovation, we have condensed the content offered into a smaller number of modules.s to improvenavigationand thereadability.

And this,while retaining all its analysis/visualisation capabilitiesoffered by the Platform.

The modules, available in French and Englishand constituting Platform 2.0,are as follows:


Value proposition

Select your "100% Market" product universe and/or the selection to be analysed

Set up your dashboards and graphs over a given analysis period

Set up your dashboards and graphs to analyse changes over time

Set up your dashboardsmulti-periodwith a wide range of customisation options

24-hour access totransparency on the content of your applications :

  • The dates on which your data was last updated for each channel, territory...

  • The content of your subscription

  • The complete product scope

  • Transparent monitoring of the data flows feeding your applications

Many other modules are available formore "advanced" analysesallowing you refine your marketing and sales strategies:


Value proposition

Determine thekey factors in evolution your markets and those of your competitors

Study thea dynamic market (new products, discontinuation, etc.)

Refine yourreferencing strategyof your ranges and analyse those of your competitors (rationalisation of shelf space, etc.)

analyse the launch strategies of products from the players in your Markets

Monitorezthe efficiency of your targeting by comparing the DN of 2 selections

Analyse the concentration of a Marketto better adapt your targeting strategies

Analyse thee pricing on your markets

Margin analysis - Benchmarkezthe attractiveness of your products for pharmacies

Analyse /compare your sell-in and sell-out dynamics to adjust your sales strategy

Make theforecasting your sales and those of your Market

Measure theROI on your point-of-sale initiatives by tracking your pharmacies' sell-out by name

Followchanges in pharmacy traffic to better understand the potential impact on your markets

Sales managers, Commercial managers,monitor the R/O of field objectives fixed (sell-in, sell-out, visits...)

If you have any questions or would like a quote, please contact our Customer Success Centre

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