The average price recorded corresponds to the arithmetic average of the prices of the pharmacies selling.
Actual Average Sales price = average (prices of pharmacies selling)
Unlike the weighted average price (WASP), the actual average price (AASP) of a given product does not weight pharmacies in relation to the weight of sales of the product and therefore describes a theoretical situation where all pharmacies would sell product A on the same amounts of turnover.
A pharmacy sells 10 units of product A at 2€. A second pharmacy sells 20 units of product A at 4€. The actual average price is 3€ ((2+4)/2), the weighted average price is 3.33€ ([10*2 + 20 * 4]/ (10+20)].
Subscription Sales & Marketing Essential
The average price recorded is incompatible with the PARAPHARMACIE (SMKT) data source.
You will find this information in the upper part of the Price Analysis module.