Articles related to markets and product classifications

Sébastien GUICHARD avatarMael PELHATE avatarMaxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
4 authors21 articles
GTINGTIN code (Global Trade Item Number)
Product Customer Qualifying Field Specification (PCQFS)CQCP (Product Customer Qualifier Field)
I want to expand my marketSubscription market followed
OHC ClassificationVisualize the assignment of your products according to the proprietary OpenHealth Company classification
EphMRA AC Classes HistoryVisualize the evolution of EphMRA AC classes since 2014
IRI Products ClassificationVisualize the assignment of your products according to the classification owner IRI
Veterinary Medicine DetailsVisualize the characteristics of veterinary drugs
Veterinary Medicine ClassificationView the classification of veterinary drugs (ANSES)
Human Medicine DetailsView the characteristics of one or more products through the detail fields of THESORIMED
Management of new productsNew product management
Human Medicine ClassificationView the EphMRA AC and OMS ATC classifications for your product scope
Indications - DiagnosisView the drugs indicated for a given pathology and the pathologies associated with a selection of drugs
MP4UView all the classifications made available by OpenHealth Company
What is the TVASI (Sales, Purchases and Unknown Stocks Table)
What is an LPPR code?The LPPR code (List of Reimbursable Products and Services)
Product rental trackingProduct rental
Removal of unsold products
STANDARD MARKET - SubscriptionThis article describes the interest and the limitations of a so-called "standard" Market