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Product Customer Qualifying Field Specification (PCQFS)
Product Customer Qualifying Field Specification (PCQFS)

CQCP (Product Customer Qualifier Field)

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over 2 years ago

One of the many benefits of the HUB is the ability to add new product customer qualifying fields (PCQFs), and make modifications to product assignments at any time

If you would like to have a new product customer qualifier field in your HUB application, please feel free to request our Customer Success Center to receive a business proposal.

Specifying a customer qualifier field:

Hierarchical: Yes / No
Concerned market: to be defined
Name: according to Openhealth specifications
Number of modalities: to be defined
List of modalities: to be defined
Rules for assigning products to modalities: to be defined
Maintenance (BUILD / RUN): by the customer (except reference data)

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