From your personal The HUB space, it is possible to deactivate a product in your market.
It will no longer be taken into account in your market, but will not be permanently deleted. He can be reinstated at any time if necessary.
The HUB applications associated with this market open with a rebased market (in base 100) by subtracting the deactivated product (s) ) thanks to the Market Definition module.
A filter is thus displayed at the top left of your application.
You find the product (s) disabled (s) via the " EXCLUDED " modality.
You can lock this filter by clicking on it and clicking on the padlock at the top left of the pane.
Affected users
The POWER USER are those who can perform the deactivation of product (s).
They can also delegate this task to MIDDLE USER .
The process to give rights on a market to a MIDDLE USER is mentioned in the article:" How do I create, modify or delete a user account on The HUB ?".
Product deactivation results in the th "Excluded products" , visible directly via the My Query from your The HUB application.
Deactivate a single product
To deactivate a product, simply perform the same procedure as when requesting Modality Assignment Modification of a product (MAM), except that instead of clicking on the pencil, you must click on the cross (red box below).
A Pop-up window will open asking you for confirmation of your choice.
A ticket is then created during this action, the progress of which can be followed: .
Deactivate multiple products in one request
View deactivated products
To directly view the deactivated products, all you have to do is click on the KPI " NUMBER OF DESCATIVE GTINs " (green box below) and click on the KPI " NUMBER OF GTIN " to display all the products:
Traceability of deactivated products
To directly view which of your colleagues have deactivated products, you can go to your " Ticket " area, then:
Type of request : "Assistance: Product Deactivation (DPR)"
Contact : put the modality empty
Status : put the modality empty (you will then have the tickets "TO PROCESS" and / or "CLOSED")
You will find the detailed article about space" Ticket "in the article below: http : //
DPR AUTO process time
An auto Product Deactivation performed from your login area must follow several steps before being visible on your The HUB application:
1 - Realization of the modification
2 - Synchronization of your request with your database dedicated to your market (1 time per day)
3 - Processing of the Deactivation of Product (once a day)
4 - Reloading your application (once a day)
The maximum processing time for your request is 3 days.