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Automatic Modifying Modality Assignment (MAM Auto)
Automatic Modifying Modality Assignment (MAM Auto)

Directly modify the assignments of your products

Sébastien GUICHARD avatar
Written by Sébastien GUICHARD
Updated over a week ago


Modifying Modality Assignment (MAM) is the modification of a product label or the classification of a product in a field other than the one expected.

It is possible to perform this task from the "Market Update" tab of your personal login area The HUB:

Users concerned

This feature is available for POWER USER and MIDDLE USER

The different user statuses

Changing the assignment of a single product

The automatic Mode Assignment Change (Auto MAM) feature is particularly useful when one or more products are not classified or qualified as expected.

On large product selections, it is nevertheless advisable to open a ticket to formulate the request (how to create and track tickets).

To create an auto MAM, you need to :

1 - Select the market in which it is found. You can select it from the "CONTENT" drop-down list.

2 - Find the product you want to modify on our market (only one product can be modified at a time). The product search can be carried out using any of the search fields above the table. This makes it possible to make a filter on the chosen selection.

3 - Click on the pencil icon on the right of the product.

(be careful if the pencil is not visible, it means that you are considered as a USER or a MIDDLE USER with no rights on this market - see the article "Giving publishing rights on a market to a user" to know the procedure to follow).

4 - A pop-up window appears with all the editable fields.

All the fields offer suggestions for modification of elements already present in the market.

It is however possible to enter a new modality, a message in red will be displayed in this case ("Attention, the modality entered is new").

Always bear in mind that modality changes will have consequences on the sales figures displayed on the HUB.

For example, if a segment is composed of 10 products and the modification concerns the segment in question, the addition or withdrawal of the product will increase or decrease by 10% the number of products present in this segment and potentially the associated turnover. Or entering the "OTHER" segment on a product when the "OTHER" segment already exists will result in a separation of the same segment into two parts.

5 - Once the modification(s) have been made, click on "Save".

A ticket will then be automatically created by the user.

Once the request has been filled in, the modifications are visible to all users.

In red is filled in the previous mode and in green the new one.

By hovering the mouse over it, it is possible to find the name of the person who made the request, the date of the request and the number of the associated ticket.

Please note that it is possible to make one request on top of another: the name of the person and the date of the last request will be filled in this insert.

The ticket number associated with the request will not be changed.

It is possible to follow the evolution of the ticket in the ticket space of your login area (how to create and follow your tickets).

It is also possible to know if the request has been processed when the product line no longer shows the red and green part.

Modifying the assignment of several products in a single request

It is now possible to carry out an auto MAM on several products.

Just click on the button framed in red :

The auto MAM will then be carried out on all the products selected in the search bars.

Example in the case below: all the products in the "FOOD SUPPLEMENTS" segment and the "ADP" brand will be modified:

By clicking on the button framed in red, a pop-up window opens:

The modifications are only carried out on the fields that have been modified in this pop-up.

In fact, if the segment field is modified, all the selected products will have the new modality in segment.

It is of course possible to make changes to several modes.

In the example above, if a value is entered in the "REFERENCES" field, all the products initially selected will be given the value entered.

Then just click on save to make the modification, a ticket will be automatically created afterwards, which allows the follow-up of the request made.

Cancel and replace a MAM

To cancel and replace a MAM (which has generated a ticket), a MAM must be re-performed.

Thus, it is the latter change that will be taken into account.

Time of the MAM AUTO process

An auto MAM made from your login area must follow several steps before being visible on your The HUB application:

1 - Making the modification

2 - Synchronisation of your request with your database dedicated to your market (once a day)

3 - Treatment of MAM (once a day)

4 - Reloading your application (once a day)

The maximum processing time for your request is 3 days.

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