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Smoothed Digital Stockist Distribution
Smoothed Digital Stockist Distribution
Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago


For a given product, the stockist numerical distribution compares the number of stockist pharmacies to the total number of pharmacies, over all days of the month.


Numerical distribution (ND Stock) = number of pharmacies stocking during the month / total number of pharmacies

A smoothing is done on all the days of the month allowing to count all the pharmacies stocking your selection of studied products.

But it would be incorrect to :

Sum the distributions of several references, because it is possible (and very likely) that the same pharmacy sells several products of the considered perimeter, not relating the duplication of referencing.

Average the distributions of several references, as this is not representative. At a minimum, for a selection of products, the distribution is the largest value of the observed distributions and is generally higher than the average.


For a product A, a numerical distribution of 50% means that one out of two pharmacies stocks product A during the month.


The stocking numerical distribution is calculated in the same way as the selling numerical distribution, but taking into account the stocking criterion rather than the selling criterion.

For a selection of products, a pharmacy is considered to be a stockist if it stocks at least 1 product of the selection during the month.


Smoothed stockist numerical distribution can be written as Smoothed DNS. It is translated into English by Smoothed Numeric Distribution Stock or Smoothed ND Stock.


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This indicator can only be viewed on a monthly basis. It is therefore normal that it does not appear in YTD or MAT.


As a matter of transparency, you should know that the current specifications for calculating this indicator concern pharmacies declaring stock on at least one day of each month.

Smoothed NDS is a good indicator of the ratio of pharmacies holding inventory, with some temporal stability explaining a form of inertia between months.

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