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Global rebased digital stockist distribution
Global rebased digital stockist distribution

Global rebased stock numeric distribution

Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over a week ago


The principle of rebasing is to refine your comparison universe. Your comparator is no longer the whole of the pharmacy universe (case of a "classic" distribution, but a specific variation of your market that you can define.
The notion of having a global distribution is applies to fixed periods, allowing to know the ratio of pharmacies that have stocked your selection of products over the entire period studied.

For a given product, the global rebased digital stockist distribution compares the number of stockist pharmacies in your selection, not with the number of total stockist pharmacies, all products combined, but with the number of stockist pharmacies of 'a variation of your market.


Digital distribution stockist rebased =
Number of stockist pharmacies of your selection over your study period
Number of stockist pharmacies of your market declination over your period study
The interpretation of a rebased distribution of less than 5% should be taken with caution.


A product A belongs to the nebulizer segment.
You do not want to calculate your ratio on all the products stored in pharmacies, but only on pharmacies dispensing nebulizers.

Product A is stocked in 4,000 pharmacies in month 1, 5,000 in month 2 and 3,800 in month 3. In total for the quarter, 6,000 separate pharmacies have stocked product A.
6,500 pharmacies have stocked a nebulizer in month 1, 7,500 in month 2 and 7,000 in month 3. In total for the quarter, 8,000 separate pharmacies have stored a nebulizer.

So, the overall rebased digital distribution of product A of 75% (6,000 / 8,000), means that 3 out of 4 pharmacies selling nebulizers stocked product A during the quarter.


The global rebased digital stockist distribution can be written as Global Rebased DNS. It is translated into English by Global Stock Rebased Numeric distribution or Global Stock ND Rebased.


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