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Activity journal

Find the trace of the events in the background

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago


The HUB activity log is a feature that allows to list all activities performed in the background on OHC THE HUB portal.

The following tasks are performed in the background so that the user does not have to wait for it to finish:

Deleting a user

Wiring a user

Follow-up of requests

The activity log can be found in the "My Team" tab:

Just click on the "Follow activity log" button.

All events are listed in the table below:There are 4 possible statuses for a stain:

TO BE PROCESSED : the task has not yet started

IN PROGRESS : the spot is being processed

PROCESSED : the job is done

ERROR : the job has failed

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