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Change of Typological Modality (CMT auto)
Change of Typological Modality (CMT auto)

Modify directly your geographical labels (sectors or regions)

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago


The Change of Typological Mode (CMT) is the modification of a sector or region label.

It is possible to perform this task from the tab "Modify my labels (Regions / Sectors / Customer Type)" of your personal area of connection The HUB:

Users concerned

This functionality is accessible to POWER USER (the different user statuses).

Change the assignment of a typology

To change the assignment of a typology mode, simply click on the mode to be modified.

For your information, the "ID" columns cannot be modified because this would be a modification of the sectorization.

A pop-up window opens with the modality to be modified, then "Save".

A ticket will then be automatically created by the user (create and follow a ticket).

Once the request is filled in, the modifications are visible to all users.

You will find :

In red: the old modality

In green: the new modality

By moving the mouse over the modification made, it is possible to find the full traceability, namely:

The name of the person who made the request

The date of the request

And the number of the associated ticket (create and follow a ticket)

It is possible to make a request on top of another one: the name of the person and the date of the last request will then be filled in this insert.

The ticket number associated with the request will not be modified.

It is also possible to know if the request has been processed when the product line no longer shows the red and green part.

Cancel and replace a CMT (Change of Typological Mode)

At present, it is not possible to cancel a CMT (Change of Typological Mode) request.

The only way is to re-apply for a CMT to overwrite the old CMT request.

The latter CMT request will then be taken into account.

Time of the CMT process (Change of Typological Mode)

A CMT made from your personal space must follow several steps before being visible on your application The HUB:

1 - Making the change

2 - Synchronization of your request with your database dedicated to your market (once a day)

3 - Processing the CMT (once a day)

4 - Reloading your application (1 time per day)

The maximum processing time for your application is 3 days.


The functionality allows you to rename a micro-sector / a sector / a region.

However, changes in the assignment of a UGA to a micro-sector, changes in the assignment of a micro-sector to a sector or changes in the assignment of sectors to a region are considered as a change in the definition of your sectorization, and cannot be managed by the CMT (Change of Typological Mode) functionality.

The impacts can be the following: recalculation of the sectorization, redesign of the application map (production of new KML files), redesign of the application in production.

Please note that the favorites (how to create, modify and share a favorite in the HUB?) containing the modified modalities will still be based on the old modality and therefore will no longer be visible.

However, it is possible to recreate a bookmark from your existing bookmark and select the new modality.

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