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Sales Evolution

View your evolving sales over all your available history

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

Trigram: SE




The Sales Evolution sheet uses the principles of the Cross Sales Table sheet, by displaying a historical view

(Ex: week to week, or month to month):

  • Arrange the rows and columns of your table using your segments, your qualifying fields, your measures and time periods

  • Export your table to Excel. Create a favorite to view this table in routine

  • Select a custom time period (eg: I want to compare the first 4 months 2017 vs. 2018) by selecting the time periods directly in the sheet

This module is for you if:

  • You want to create a dynamic table and visualize sales over more than two time periods

  • It is also possible for you with a simple right-click to export the data of your stack-bar-histogram according to the temporal selections and desired filters.

Data sources

Geographical territories

  • Metropolitan France data

  • Corsica



  • No limitation on the size of the markets

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



Sales & Marketing Essential

Objects found in the sheet

  • Functional cartridge

  • Temporal

  • buttons

  • GSA period time selector

  • Indicator buttons

  • Prescription selector

  • Hierarchical selector

  • Network selector

  • KPIs

  • Object 'Evolution of sales in absolute value'

  • Object 'Pivot Table'


Indicators & measures

  • Volume Sales (VOLUME - Vol)

  • Sales Value (TURNOVER - To)

  • Market Share (N MS)

  • Market Share in the previous year (Market Share at N-1 - N-1 MS)

  • Market Share Trend compared to the previous adjacent month (Market Share Trend - MS Trend)

  • Market Share Delta in absolute value compared to the previous year (Market Share Delta - MS Delta)

  • N (Corresponds to the time selection and indicator to display made for the current year)

  • N-1 (Corresponds to the time and indicator selection to display made for the previous year)

  • Trend in percentage (N Trend)

  • Trend in absolute value (N Trend Abs)

  • Evolution of Turnover or Volume in percentage (N Evol)

  • Evolution of Turnover or Volume in absolute value (N Evol Abs)


  • "Prescription" selector (Exclusively pharmacies data)

  • Customer Type (Pharmacies data only)


  • NA


  • NA


Current version:

  • Added converted multi-unit selector button

Old versions:

  • Modification of the structure of the pivot table in order to be able to choose precisely which columns to display or not.

  • An enlargement of the table has been carried out by moving the bar graph up to the top line which was not used, this for a better readability of the figures within the table.

  • Addition of the "Data Input" Warning in the traceability cartridge.

  • Review of the positioning of objects according to the new grid for the implementation of the DOE (Internal Technical Improvement) cartridge

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  • Setting up conditional display for the Network selector.

Sales Evolution v2006151638

  • Implementation of the conditional display of the Customer Type when there is one.

  • Implementation of dynamic display of analysis period type selection buttons with parameter setting from the Param file

  • Specific variability in v_Value_QTD under the label Qtr variabilisé v_lib_QTD.

  • Variability of the labels of values of types of analysis period within the selection buttons.

Sales Evolution v2005140930
- Variabilization of the sheet cartridge, variability of the measurement label of the stacked bar-graph, as well as the labels of the measures of the pivot table.
- Variability of the title of the stacked bar-graph "Evolution of sales in absolute value".

  • Added N Trend Abs and N Evol Abs indicators in the details table.

  • Added labels to the "Evolution of sales in absolute value" stack-bar chart.

  • Variability of the subscription within the cartridge. (New variable)

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  • Variability of the labels of standard fields within the TCD and variability of the "Selection" dimension within the stack-graph histogram.

  • Modification of the previous automation of the market qualifying hierarchical field selector for more speed when updating the App (dynamic value) (Internal Technical Improvement).

  • Modification of the display mode selector with addition of hierarchical fields qualifying the market, automatically.

  • Addition of totals for automatic CQCPs in pivot tables. (Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Dynamic addition of the hierarchical market qualifying fields database (Internal technical improvement)

  • Stack-bar Evolution of sales in absolute value revised on Mth and Qtr formatting.

  • Fix for the link button to the success site

  • Reordering of the crosstab at the request of ND

  • Added link to Success site (top right)

  • Correction of the details table: Hiding values at "0" during a selection filtered on dimension.

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