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Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over 2 years ago

Version 230202_SGU

The Economic Committee for Health Products (CEPS), an interministerial body placed under the joint authority of the ministers for health, social security and the economy, is mainly responsible by law for setting the prices of medicinal products and the tariffs for medical devices for individual use covered by compulsory health insurance.

CEPS decisions are taken in a collegial manner, in accordance with the guidelines it receives publicly from the Ministers, and under the control of the administrative judge. Prices or tariffs are preferably set by means of agreements concluded with the companies marketing the products or, for certain medical devices, with the professional organisations representing these companies.

Finally, the CEPS contributes, through its proposals, to the definition of the economic policy for health products.

The missions of the CEPS

The medicines

The CEPS (Comité économique des produits de santé) contributes to the development of the medicinal product policy, it implements the guidelines it receives from the competent ministers, in particular, the committee applies these guidelines to the setting of prices of medicinal products, to the monitoring of expenditure and to the financial regulation of the market. To carry out this action, the committee may conclude agreements with companies or groups of companies on the price of medicinal products and its evolution, on discounts, on the commitments of companies concerning the proper use of medicinal products and sales volumes, and on the terms and conditions of the participation of companies in the implementation of ministerial guidelines.

Medical devices for individual use

Within the framework of the guidelines it receives from the Ministers, the CEPS is responsible for proposing the reimbursement rates for the products and services listed in Article L. 165-1 of the CSS and, where appropriate, their price. In order to set these tariffs and prices, it may conclude agreements with the manufacturers and/or distributors concerned, which may relate in particular to sales volumes. The CEPS periodically monitors this expenditure.

The CEPS (Comité économique des produits de santé) is composed of 2 sections, the medicinal products section and the medical devices section.

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