Module name
Trigram: PD
Increase the granularity of the data in the HUB by adding the price dimension:
Determine the price dispersion of a product in pharmacies
Compare the price dispersion of a product with that of competing products
For each price class, view: the VMMs of selling pharmacies, the relative number of selling pharmacies and the weight of sales of these pharmacies over total sales
This module is for you if:
You carry out product launches and wish to have data on market prices by potential pharmacies
You and your competitors have a direct sales strategy and want to better understand your customers' business conditions
Data sources
Geographic territories
Metropolitan France data
No limitation on the size of the markets
Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products
Sales & Marketing Advanced
Objects found in the sheet
Functional cartridge
Indicator buttons
Hierarchical selector
Not monetary selector
'Price Dispersion' object
'Price Benchmarking' object
'Price Dispersion Details' object
Indicators & measures
% of selling pharmacies
Average Monthly Sales
% of sales
Maximum weighted average price
Minimum weighted average price
Median of the weighted average price
First quartile of the weighted average price
Third quartile of the weighted average price
Current version:
Addition of the "Data Input" Warning within the traceability cartridge
Old versions:
Changed the size of the Grid and the placement of objects closer to the original in order to add the DOE (Internal Technical Improvement) cartridge
Module accepted on version v2004271727 of the standard; no change compared to version v2004070930 of this module
Removal of the "PHARMA ONLY" mention just below the market to group the traceability dates together.
Variability of the subscription within the cartridge. (New variable)
Modification of the previous automation of the market qualifying hierarchical field selector for more speed when updating the App. (dynamic value) (Internal Technical Improvement).
Modification of the display mode selector with addition of hierarchical fields qualifying the market, automatically.
Fix for the link button to the success site
Addition of the link to the "Success" site
Price dispersion is generally studied on fine granularities, such as by brand or product