From your personal space The HUB, it is possible to create and follow all the tickets that have been made.
Presentation of a ticket
To access the ticket interface, simply click on the following icon (red box below) :
In this ticket area, you will find several fields:
The ticket number: created automatically
The type of request :
The opening date of the ticket: created automatically
The name of your market
The qualification of your request: HUB, ADHOC...
The contact: the identity of the person who opened the ticket in your laboratory (you can view the tickets of your colleagues)
To change the selection of a field, click on the corresponding dropdown list and select the desired value (if no filter is chosen, all tickets will come out).
Once the selection has been made, click on the magnifying glass (to the right of your screen - green box in the screenshot above) to find the list sorted in descending order of creation.
It is possible to click on the ticket in question in order to see additional information about it.
Create a ticket
Click on "Create a ticket" (top right of your screen - purple box above) :
You need to fill in the following fields:
Type of request :
The name of your market
The details of the request (the more details we have, the easier our response will be)
Priority: normal, high or very high
The qualification of your request : HUB, ADHOC...
Follow a ticket
You can track a ticket (yours or that of one of your colleagues by filtering on the "Contact" field) at any time from your personal space and the "Ticket" tab.
A ticket has 3 "Statuses": TO BE PROCESSED, IN PROGRESS and CLOSED (red box below) :
The general principle is :
When you create a ticket, it is directly assigned the status "TO BE PROCESSED".
Then as soon as your request is processed and effective/visible on your The HUB database (normally within 48 hours), the corresponding ticket is automatically closed ("CLOSED" status).
Example: open ticket with status : "TO BE PROCESSED":
Example: visible ticket on the application with status : "CLOSE" :