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Sales With / Without prescription selector
Sales With / Without prescription selector

Specification of the object 'Selector Prescription Type'. : Sales With / Without prescription selector

Sébastien GUICHARD avatar
Written by Sébastien GUICHARD
Updated over a week ago

Type of object


Object version



  • Sales & Marketing Essential

  • Territory Management Essential


The selector allows you to distinguish between ON and OFF sales for a product or a selection of products.

It has 2 modes:

  • Sales With prescription: sales resulting from a medical prescription for a given selection

  • Sales Without prescription: sales without a medical prescription for a given selection

Through this selector, it is therefore the sales that are qualified and not the products.

Case study

  • Prescription of a product (refundable or not) :

Warning: the term "prescription" is not an indicator of reimbursement.

An OTC product (Over The Counter; an over-the-counter product) can be prescribed by a doctor.

Refundable* or non-refundable, the sale will be referred to here as 'Sales With Prescription'.

* If it is reimbursable on prescription, it is commonly referred to as OTX (contraction of OTC and Rx, designating "listed" drugs, only available on prescription).

- Purchase of a non-prescription product on the same ticket as a prescription drug:

In this case, the vast majority of Official Management Software (OMS) will distinguish the sale in two separate tickets, which will go back respectively with the corresponding qualifier 'Sales With Prescription' or 'Sales Without Prescription'.

- Prescription Renewal

A List II medicine may be dispensed several times from the same prescription for 12 months, unless otherwise specified by the prescriber.

The renewal of a list II medicine is a new presentation of the prescription, and is therefore over-prescription in dispensing by the pharmacist.


  • The use of the On and Off Prescription selector with a Customer Type is irrelevant.

  • The use of the prescription selector is only relevant, in Territory Management, if the version of Sectorial Data Processing is later than V201907171553.


Information on the sale of a product on prescription or over-the-counter is available on the sales receipt from the pharmacy, i.e. when the pharmacist registers the sale of the product, he also informs whether the sale is linked to a medical prescription, in which case the sale is qualified as a "prescription sale".

If there is no medical prescription to be filled by the pharmacist, then the sale is qualified as a "non-prescription sale".

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