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Pharmacy Monitoring Details

Discriminate the detail of sales by type of dispensary

Written by Anthony Cabos
Updated over a week ago




Because the evolution of pharmacy traffic is symptomatic of specific health contexts, it is important to analyze these indicators as factors exogenous to your commercial performance:

  • Number of working days

  • Number of pharmacy tickets, all products combined

  • Number of items (volume) per ticket

  • On and / or off prescription

  • The area where pharmacies are located and their turnover

This module is for you if:

  • You want to better understand the exogenous factors in pharmacies

  • Create pro forma analyzes of your performance, excluding traffic trends and number of working days

Data sources

  • Data from pharmacies.

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data excluding Corsica & DROM-COM


  • Market definition 'all products' exclusively

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products


Objects found in the sheet

  • Functional cartridge

  • Time buttons

  • Measurement selector

  • Prescription selector

  • Geographic granularity selector

  • Analysis type selector

  • Filter of the type of days (possible exclusion of public holidays and Sundays)

  • Bar chart 'N / N-1 / Pharmacy CA'

  • Bar graph 'N / N-1 / Zone Pharamcy'

  • Table object 'Analysis of days, traffic and average basket'

  • KPI Measure N and N evol


  • Total number of (working) days

  • Number of dispensations (traffic)

  • Number of dispensations / working days

  • Volume / dispensations

  • Volume

  • Volume / working days


The temporalities of this sheet must be taken into account in relation to the defined deadline.

Type of analysis period available:

  • Month (Mth)

  • Qtr (Quarter)

  • YTD (Year To Date)

  • MAT (Mooving Annual Total)


Current version:

  • Change of the bar chart to adapt to the change in sectorization

Previous versions:

  • Creation of the sheet


We cannot do an analysis by crossing geographic data and the type of sign.

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