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Sales Analysis by Age & Gender

Analyze sales by age & gender

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

Module name

Trigramme: SAAG




The Sales Analysis by Age & Gender module allows the number of dispensations by age and gender:

  • Break down dispensations by age group and gender through an age pyramid

  • Control the evolution of the age pyramid over your entire history depth

This sheet is for you if:

  • You want to better understand the profile of your patients or consumers in pharmacies

Data sources

  • Data from pharmacies

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data


  • No limitation on the size of the markets

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



Use & Analytics Essential

Objects found in the sheet

  • 'Dispensation fees' selector

  • Functional cartridge

  • Time buttons

  • Years button

  • Subject 'Total of dispensations'

  • Subject 'Total of dispensations with Age & Gender'

  • Object 'Perentage Male & Female'

  • Object 'Age statistics by Age & Gender'

  • Object 'Age pyramid'


  • Volume sales

  • Value sales

  • Number of Dispensations




Current version:

  • Setting up the narrow "Grid" and placing objects according to this new grid.

  • Installation of the warning "/! \ No compliant Data Input /! \" within the traceability cartridge.


  • Automation of the display of analysis period type selection buttons

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • Standardization of the placement of "Reload Time" based on the SMA standard

  • Variability of the subscription within the cartridge. (New variable)

  • Standardization of the placement of "Reload Time" on the SMA standard

  • Variability of the subscription within the cartridge. (New variable)

  • Correction of variability of the Donut "Percentage Male & Female" and global variability of object labels, except Age Ranges selector which does not allow it. (Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Correction of the wording of the age group selection filter as well as the sorting on the age groups.

  • Fix for the link button to the success site

  • Fixed Donut and age pyramid.

  • Following the introduction of the AMOAMCRAC fact table, the CA that it includes interfered with the testing of the v_type_analyse > 0 variable present in the Set Analysis.
    this test should only be done on volumes, it has been replaced by "_VOLUME" (Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Fixed age range type selector on button "0003. Ranges of 5 years old" which could not be selected. Redisplay of the gray vertical bar reading bar.


Corsica data
Customer Type
GSA parapharmacy data
Observatory data

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