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Average Number of Products

View the average number of products per point of sale, in pharmacies or in GSA drugstores

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

Module name

Trigramme: ANP




The average number of products indicator makes it possible to estimate the shelf shares of each product in GSA pharmacies and parapharmacy:

  • Calculate the average number of references in the selling points of sale

  • Benchmark the average number of references with the number of selling pharmacies and the number of selling drugstores

This module is for you if:

  • You carry out trade marketing actions in pharmacies or drugstores

  • Your products are freely accessible

Data sources

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data

  • Corsica



  • No limitation on the size of the markets

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



Sales & Marketing Advanced
Option Average Number of Products

Objects found in the sheet

  • Functional cartridge

  • Time buttons

  • Calendar choice button

  • Company selector

  • Hierarchical selector

  • 'Share of Sales' object

  • Object 'Gini Index'

  • Object 'GIni Index Analysis'

Indicators & measures

  • Average Number of Products

  • Number of pharmacies

  • Number of parapharmacies

  • Share of Assortment


  • International data on request




Current version:

  • Addition of the "Data Input" Warning within the traceability cartridge

Old versions

  • Fix for the modality selector (placement of the v_DimSelect_Avg_Ref variable) (Internal Technical Improvement) for interactivity with the Combo Chart

  • Review of the positioning of the bar-graph in height.

  • Modification of the previous automation of the hierarchical fields selector to no longer have to do any manipulation when updating the App (dynamic value) (Internal Technical Improvement).

  • Modification of the display mode selector with addition of hierarchical fields qualifying the market, automatically.

Average Number of Products v1908091455

  • Fix for the link button to the success site

  • Added 'Share of Assortment' indicator


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