Module name
Using the Lorenz curve, determine which market segment is the most concentrated:
Understanding the dynamics of concentration of market segments
Feed your decision-making with possible adjustments to the size of your sales force or targeting
Compare your level of sales concentration to laboratories with a similar profile to yours
This module is for you if:
You are constantly thinking about the optimal size of your sales force
You want to position your laboratory in new segments and want to have notions of concentration
You want to go deeper into DN indicators, by studying the dispersion of sales on selling pharmacies
Data sources
Data from pharmacies
Geographic territories
Metropolitan France data
No limitation on the size of the markets
Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products
Sales & Marketing Advanced
Objects found in the sheet
Functional cartridge
Time buttons
Temporal selector
Indicator buttons
Company selector
Hierarchical selector
'Share of Sales' object
Object 'Gini Index'
Object 'GIni Index Analysis'
Indicators & measures
Value sales
Share of Sales
Share of pharmacies
Average Monthly Sales
Gini Index
International data on request
Current version:
Converted multi-unit selection button
Old versions:
Reduced the size of the “Gini Index” KPI, Enlarged the Company FILTER like the other modules, enlarged the TEXT checkbox Products and move 5 squares to the left of the TEXTs checkbox Pharmacies and Products.
Gini Index Kpi changed to match the Pharmacies selection
Bubble graph sub-object Gini_Pha changed to match the selection Pharmacies
Addition of the "Data Input" Warning within the traceability cartridge
Module accepted on version v2004271727 of the standard; no change compared to version v2004070930 of this module
Removed duplicate Reload Time 'date
Variability of the subscription within the cartridge. (New variable)
Addition in this sheet of the possibility of analyzing the concentration from the product angle (Pareto type).
Modification of the previous automation of the hierarchical fields selector to no longer have to do any manipulation when updating the App (dynamic value) (Internal Technical Improvement).
Modification of the display modalities selector with addition of hierarchical fields qualifying the market, automatically.
Fix for the link button to the success site
Added link to Success site (top right)
Impossibility of visualizing concomitantly the sales concentration curve of 2 products, brands, companies or segments
Incompatible prescription selector