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Advanced Indicators Analysis

Decompose the evolution of a market into leading indicators

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

Module name

Trigram: AIA



Value Proposition

The Advanced Indicators Analysis module allows to understand the growth or decline levers of a market:

  • Decompose the evolution of sales values into a volume effect and a price effect.

  • Decompose the volume effect into a VMM (organic growth) effect and a Digital Distribution effect

  • View VMM, DNV and DVV at retail, by segment, laboratory, brand or product

  • Break down your leading indicators by pharmacy type (optional)

This module is for you if:

  • You want to go beyond the simple monitoring of sales volumes and value...

  • You wish to better prioritize your marketing and sales investments

Data sources

Geographical territories

  • Metropolitan France data

  • Corsica

  • DROM COM (Application of roadmap 2019-Q4 completed)


  • Limitations may apply depending on the size of the market.

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



  • Advanced Sales & Marketing

Objects in the sheet



  • Customer type


Current version :

  • Correction passed on the display of the "Product" mode

  • Completeness of the variabilization of the leading indicators and their labels.

Older versions :

  • Addition of the "Data Input" Warning within the traceability cartridge

  • Review of the positioning of objects according to the new grid in view of the implementation of the DOE (Internal Technical Improvement) cartridge

  • Setting the N Rebased ND, N Rebased ND Delta, N Rebased ND Delta, N Rebased Global ND, N Rebased Global ND Delta indicators.

  • Variabilization of the value labels of analysis period types within the selection buttons.

  • Module received on the v2004271727 version of the standard, no evolution compared to the v2004061659 version of this module.

  • Placement of the "PHARMA ONLY" just below the market.

  • Adding the GTIN column visible by conditional display according to the modal selector to be iso with Market Analysis and have GTINs available in AI analysis.

  • Correction of the scrolling display mode selector (granularity)

  • Modification of the display mode selector with the addition of the hierarchical fields qualifying the market, in automatic mode. (Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Modification of the display modality selector with the addition of the hierarchical market qualifying fields.

  • Addition of WD Sales and WD Sales Delta

  • Correction of your "Success" link following the redesign of the site.

  • Addition of WD Sales and WD Sales Delta

  • Add one decimal place on AMS, AMS adjusted, ND, global ND, WD, global WD indicators

  • Correction of conditional coloring of deviation indicators.

  • Object "Evol result for main indicator": Add measurement N AMS A Evol.
    Object "Advanced Indicator Detail": Addition of the
    N AMS A and N AMS A Evol measurements after the existing N AMS Evolmeasurement.

    Object "Linechart evolution index base 100" :
    Addition of the measurement N AMS A.

  • Evol result for main indicators :

Label of N NSO Evol changed to N ND Evol .
Label of WD Evol changed to N WD Evol.

  • Internal Technical Improvement.

Special feature

  • The reason why leading indicators are not displayed in the "Product" mode is because they are aggregated based on the "Reference" field.

The chosen "Product Reference and Code" mode is of the same granularity level and allows you to display the Leading Indicators to the product.


  • On fine granularities such as at product level, the 'Advanced Indicators Detail' table may display slow or erroneous results.

  • Limitations related to optional Customer Type functionality

  • The export of the 'Advanced Indicators Detail' table does not display the 'Totals' row in Excel.

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