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Written by Sébastien GUICHARD
Updated over a week ago

Version 230202_SGU

The list of products and services - LPP

The LPP is the list of products and services reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie. These include medical devices for treatment and equipment to assist life, dietary foods and items for dressings, orthoses and external prostheses, implantable medical devices and vehicles for the physically disabled.


TheList of Products and Services (LPP) allows you to search by code, by designation or by chapter. It contains the data necessary for the invoicing of a LOB code and includes all the history of a LOB code.

To be noted :
The LOB database does not contain the following items which are not coded:

  • aerosol generating equipment (Title I, Chapter 1, Section 1, Subsection 1), service code ARO ;

  • headings A, D and E of the orthotic nomenclature (Title II, Chapter 1), code nature of service PA ;

  • orthoprostheses (Title II, Chapter 7), benefit type code ORP.

To find information about these non-coded items, see the LOB in PDF format.


The LPP available for download below contains the entire list of products and services, including non-coded items: aerosol generators, headings A, D and E of the nomenclature for orthoses and orthoprostheses.
It is updated every month by the Nord-Picardie regional medical service department.

The end dates indicated in this document are subject to change.indicative character.
Only an express decision to cancel (notice or decree) can lead to the end of coverage (see Articles R. 165-3 and R. 165-10 of the Social Security Code and CNAMTS circular CIR-30/2004 of 17/02/2004).


The LPP (LPP prise en charge en sus des prestations d'hospitalisation) enables you to find out about all the medical devices that are reimbursed in addition to a homogeneous group of stay (GHS) in the public and private sectors.

As a reminder, all the codes present in Title III and Title V of the LPP tree are codes from the supplementary list.

How do I know which items are supported?

Details of items charged in addition to hospital services are available onthe LPP website. This site contains the necessary data (generic codes and manufacturer codes) which is updated weekly.

Onthe LPP websiteThe verification that an individual manufacturer code is part of the supplementary list can be done from :

  • the "Search by chapter" sectionfor one-off situations;

  • the "Download" section for larger data volumes:

    • with the NX file to be downloaded, within the framework of computer processing (specific format). For each code concerned, the information is present in the record of type 1010201 ;

    • with the DBF file, which is easier to read, for example to consult information from time to time. Download the zipped file containing all the DBFs "", extract the file "LPP_fiche_totXXX.dbf" and in column L "ARBO1" you will find the corresponding title (value 3 or 5 for the "liste en sus").

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