The activity data comes from the electronic care sheets (FSE) of the PSADs
Characteristics of the care recipient (age, sex)
Date and nature of the services provided (nature of the act, LPP code, number of acts)
Amount of services (Amount of fees, reimbursement rate, AMO amount, AMC amount)
Additional data
The PSAD federations have agreed on the creation of a nomenclature of LPP acts relating to their market. This nomenclature is called the “Correspondence table”.
LPP code (List of Products and Services)
LPP label
Domain: level 1 grouping
Activity: level 2 grouping
Sub-activity: level 3 grouping
Segment: level 4 grouping
Coefficient: Distribution coefficient for acts assigned to several modalities of the same level of grouping
Frequency: theoretical frequency of an act (daily, weekly, etc.)
The treatment sheets give, for each procedure, a treatment date corresponding to the date of the 1st treatment. In order to get as close as possible to the actual date of the treatment, the treatments have been broken down into virtual dates.
Thus, each LPP code (having been issued several times) is projected onto a virtual treatment date from the theoretical frequency defined by the correspondence table.