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Technical requirements
Technical requirements
Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago

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Internet connection and speed

We recommend that our users have a downstream speed ofminimalof 2Mbit/s.

To find out your approximate flow rate, you can use specialised free websites such asSpeedTest orZoneADSL.

Network managed by your organisation: Internet access that allows the use of secure HTTP WebSocket and HTTPS protocols to our site is required. The secure Websocket protocol requires end-to-end encryption (from your browser to our servers) and there must be no intermediate decryption of this SSL stream.

Software/browser configuration

Minimum :

  • Web browser compatible with HTML 5.


  • Google Chrome is the recommended web browser andthe only which provides optimal navigation to the HUB.

  • BrowsersInternet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge are not recommended.

  • The use of 2 browsers simultaneously (e.g. Chrome and Firefox) may cause difficulties in using the platform (e.g. inability to extract to Excel)

Hardware configuration

Minimum :

  • 4 Gbytes of RAM


  • Intel Core i5 minimum CPU or equivalent

  • 8 Gbytes of RAM

  • SSD Disk

Note: The HUB is also optimized for use on tablets!


The respect of certain rules concerning the password allowing to secure the access to your personal space, namely :

  • Do not contain all or part of the user's account name,

  • Be at least 8 characters long,

  • Contain at least one character from three of the following four categories: > Upper case characters (A to Z)
    > Lower case characters (a to z)
    > Numbers (0 to 9)
    > Non-alphabetic characters (e.g. !, $, #, %, /, [, -)
    > Not identical to the last 3 passwords entered
    > To be changed periodically (at most every 180 days)
    Change the initial password (temporary password assigned when the account was opened) when you first log in.

  • Please make sure there are no spaces after your login or password.

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