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Prescriptions Order Analysis
Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over a week ago

Name of the module

Prescriptions Order Analysis

Trigram: POA



L'initiation is the first time a patient presents a prescription to the pharmacy.

Therenewalis the second or more time the patient has presented a prescription.


The terminitiation can be translated into English asInitiation,.

The termrenewalcan be translated into English asRenewal.

These terminologies will apply to the indicators.

Value proposition

The module allows the evaluation of the distribution of sales between initiation and renewal and their dynamics:

  • Visualise the weight distribution between initiation and renewal

  • View extrapolated sales estimates in initiation and renewal

This module is for you if :

  • You are positioned on a prescription market

Data sources

  • Data from pharmacies

Geographical territories

  • Data for mainland France excluding Corsica


  • Limitation on market size: maximum 1,000 products

  • Applicable to human, veterinary and non-medical elective drugs

  • PHARMA only


Phase 1:Specification / Development


Use and Analytics Advanced

Objects in the sheet

  • Functional cartridge

  • Time buttons

  • SelectorsProduct&Standard prescription

  • ObjectPrescriptions orders in value

  • ObjectPrescriptions orders weights

  • ObjectPrescriptions orders evolution

  • Hierarchical selector: Analysis axis applicable to the Table


  • Estimated sales in initiation (N Initiation)

  • Evolution of sales in initiation compared to the same period last year (N Initiation Evol)

  • Evolution of sales in initiation compared to the previous adjacent period (N Initiation Trend)

  • Weight of sales in initiation compared to total initiation + renewal (N Initiation Weight)

  • Evolution of the weight of sales in initiation compared to the same period the previous year (N Initiation Weight Delta)

  • Evolution of the weight of sales in initiation compared to the previous adjacent period (N Initiation Weight Trend)

  • Estimated renewal sales (N Renewal)

  • Evolution of renewal sales compared to the same period last year (N Renewal Evol)

  • Evolution of renewal sales compared to the previous adjacent period (N Renewal Trend)

  • Weight of renewal sales compared to total initiation + renewal (N Renewal Weight)

  • Evolution of the weight of renewal sales compared to the same period the previous year (N Renewal Weight Delta)

  • Evolution of the weight of renewal sales compared to the previous adjacent period (N Renewal Weight Trend)

Calculation method

Initially, the distribution weights between initiation and renewal are calculated on an observatory of non-extrapolated pharmacy sales.

In order to obtainSales volume andSales valueThese weights are multiplied by national extrapolated sales to estimate extrapolated sales in initiation and renewal.

These sales are used as the basis for calculating the distribution weights for renewal which will be posted on The Hub platform.

Specificity for non-prescription sales

Only prescription sales have initiation and renewal information on the sales receipt lines.

However, you have the possibility to take into account non-prescription sales in your studies, but due to lack of information on initiations and renewals for non-prescription tickets,all these non-prescription tickets are considered as initiations. The distribution weights between initiation and renewal will then take into account non-prescription sales in initiation.

However, you have the possibility to consider only prescription sales with theStandard prescription by choosing the modalitySales with prescription. The distribution weights between initiation and renewal will then be based on prescription sales only.

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