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Distribution Smoothed rebased stock value
Distribution Smoothed rebased stock value
Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over 2 years ago


The principle of rebasing consists in refining your comparison universe. Your comparator is no longer the whole of the pharmacy universe (in the case of "classic" distribution), but a specific variation of your market that you can define and carryon all days of the month.

The rebased smoothed SVR allows you to see how much of the value sales in your market definition are accounted for by the pharmacies that stock your selection of products during the month.


By default,all products on the market are taken into account.
Users can refine and customise their world for rebasing by making a selection in the 'Market Definition'.


Smoothed rebased stock value distribution=
Value sales in my market or universe rebased from pharmacies that stock my selection of products over the month
Value sales in my market or rebased universe of pharmacies that stock any of the products in my market or rebased universe over the month

Butit would be incorrect :

  • to sum the distributions of several references, as it is possible (and highly probable) that the same pharmacy sells several products within the scope under consideration, not relating to the duplication of referencing.

  • averaging the distributions of several references, as this is not representative. As a minimum, for a selection of products, the distribution is the largest value of the observed distributions and is generally higher.


In the dietary supplements market, you consider your universe to be digestive products.
Consider that :

  • The turnover of the pharmacies that stock your product P over the month in "digestion" is 1,500,000.

  • The turnover of pharmacies that stock any of the products in "digestion" during the month is 2,000,000.

Then the smoothed rebased SVR of my product P = 1,500,000 / 2,000,000 = 75


The rebasing of the indicator is only in relation to the selection in Market Definition, so it cannot be done in relation to a hierarchical dimension.


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