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Volume in active principle

Volume in active principle

Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over a week ago


The volume in active principle expresses sales, not in boxes (CU or consumer units), but in overall dosage of the active principle in the box.
The volume in active principle makes it possible to analyze sales which take into account the packaging of the product, as well as the different dosages to be better comparable.


Let us take the example of a box containing 30 capsules (BU or base units) each containing 50 milligrams of the active principle PA.
1,000 UA of this product were sold over a period of time.
The volume in active principle is:
Sales volume in units x Number of base units x Dosage in active principle of one base unit.
Either: 1,000 units sold x 30 capsules x 50 mg = 1,500,000 mg of the active ingredient PA sold


The volume in active ingredients indicator can be translated into English as "Volume in active ingredients units".


This indicator is only available for pharmacies data and only for drugs with a WHO ATC class.


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