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DDJ per 1,000 inhabitants

Daily Defined Dose per 1,000 inhabitants

Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over a week ago


the DDJ (Daily Defined Dose) constitutes a reference dosage for an adult weighing 70 kilos in the main indication of each molecule. Each presentation of a drug can thus be converted into a number of DDJ. The use of DDJ thus eliminates the measurement difficulties linked to the heterogeneity of packaging sizes and dosage of the drugs marketed. DDJs are usually presented per thousand inhabitants per day.


Let us take the example of a box containing 30 capsules (BU or base units) each containing 50 milligrams of the active principle PA, the administration route of which is oral.
1,000,000 UA of this product were sold in year A.
The study population numbered 66 million inhabitants in year A.
The recommended DDD for the class of this product oral product is 300 MG per day.
The DDJ per 1,000 inhabitants of the product is:
[Volume sold in active principle x 1,000 inhabitants] / [DDD x Population of the territory studied x 365 days]
Either: [1,000,000 UA sold x 30 capsules x 50 MG x 1,000 inhabitants] / [300 MG x 66,000,000 inhabitants x 365 days] = 0.21


The DDJ per 1,000 inhabitants indicator can be translated into English as "DDD per 1,000 inhabitants".


This indicator is only available for pharmacies data and only for drugs with a WHO ATC class.


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