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Market Share Analysis

Analyze market shares over the last 12 months

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

Module name

Trigram: MSA





Track the market shares of the top 5 in your market

  • Visualize the evolution of market share on a top 5. Possibility to redefine your top 5 in Market Definition

  • Understanding the impact of seasonality on market share developments

This module is for you if:

  • You routinely follow market share visualizations on top products / laboratories

  • You want to easily export a market share evolution graph to Powerpoint / Word

Data sources

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data

  • Corsica

  • DROM-COM: Guadeloupe, Reunion, Martinique, Guyana


  • No limitation on the size of the markets

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



Sales & Marketing Essential

Objects found in the sheet

  • Stack-Bar period previous year (N-1) to year deadline (N) and depending on the type of period selected 'Market Share Value'

  • 'Market Share Value' table legend

  • Stack-Bar at year end date (N) and depending on the type of period selected 'Market Share Value'

  • Multi-point curve for Market Share on a month by month basis reflecting the type of period selected from previous year (N-1)

  • Stack-Bar period previous year (N-1) to year deadline (N) and depending on the type of period selected 'Market Share Volume'

  • Table caption 'Market Share Volume'

  • Stack-Bar at year end date (N) and depending on the type of period selected 'Market Share Volume'

  • Multi-point curve for Market Share on a month-by-month basis reflecting the type of period selected at year period selected (N)



  • Day and week timing on option

  • International data on request




Current version


  • Replacing the color expression in all bar charts, legend tables and point curves with the standardized variabilised expression (Internal Technical note: $ (v_Colorisation_MSA))

Old versions:

  • Addition of the "Data Input" Warning

  • Review of the positioning of objects according to the new grid for the implementation of the DOE (Internal Technical Improvement) cartridge

  • Setting up conditional display for the Network selector.

  • Variability of the labels of values of types of analysis period within the selection buttons.

  • Variability in the wording of point line graphs as well as legend tables.

  • "Module approved on version v2004271727 of the standard, no evolution compared to version v2004161511 of this module.

  • Global correction of Stack-bar variability related to FVC: FVC-OHC 181206-Correction SMAe MSA.xlsx of the request: 1812101509_LG. Correction of colorations in parallel.

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