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Stock Analysis

Interpret a stock level and its evolution

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago

Determine if a firm's inventory is in line with its market share and sales growth

Module name


Trigram: SKA



The Stock Analysis sheet is complementary to the Stock Evolution sheet:

  • Interpreting a stock level and its evolution

  • Determine if a laboratory's inventory is consistent with its market share and sales

  • Highlight the laboratories in a situation of over- or under-storage.

This module is for you if:

  • You want to compare your level of stock relative to your competitors

  • You want to determine what would be the “optimal” stock level for your laboratory

  • You want to detect atypical situations in the supply strategy of your competitors' pharmacies

  • You want to examine disruptive situations and anticipate them

Data sources

  • Data from pharmacies

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data


  • No limitation on the size of the markets

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



Sales & Marketing Advanced

Objects found in the sheet

  • Functional cartridge

  • Time buttons

  • Temporal selector

  • Indicator buttons

  • Company selector

  • 'Stock Share Analysis' object

  • 'Stock Benchmarking' object

  • 'Stock Details' object

Indicators & measures

  • Stock Volume

  • Stock Value

  • Medium Stock

  • Share of Stock

  • Duration of supply

  • Commercial Pressure Index

  • N-1 Stock

  • N Stock

  • N Stock Evol

  • N Stock Evol Abs

  • N Average Stock

  • N Average Stock Evol

  • N Stock Coverage

  • N Stock Coverage Evol


  • CQCP in MyQuery


Current version:

  • Red marking of the "Data Input" Warning within the traceability cartridge

Old versions:

  • Addition of the "Data Input" Warning within the traceability cartridge

  • Changed the size of the Grid and the placement of objects closer to the original and added the DOE (Internal Technical Improvement) cartridge

  • Added N Rebased ND Stock and N Rebased ND Stock Delta indicators to the table.

  • Module accepted on version v2004271727 of the standard; no change compared to version v2004070930 of this module

  • Removal of the "PHARMA ONLY" mention just below the market to group the traceability dates together.

  • Variability of the subscription within the cartridge. (New variable)

  • Addition of the possibility of analyzes in MAT or Mth by setting up a drop-down selector provided for this purpose.

  • Addition of the Product Code in conditional display on the selection of Product in the drop-down selector.

  • Modification of the previous automation of the hierarchical fields selector to no longer have to do any manipulation when updating the App. (dynamic value)

  • Modification of the display mode selector with addition of hierarchical fields qualifying the market, automatically.

  • “Fixed Bug Stock Analysis - StockShare Analysis”: Variability in Stock Share Analysis

  • The indicators are precalculated in the flow modeling part. This module can only be displayed in version vF51 of the feed stream

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • Implementation of the link to "Success"

  • Implementation of the DN and WD Stock Analysis evolution

  • Color bar-graph correction "Sotk Share Analysis".


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