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Market Definition

Re-base your market on the 100 base of your choice

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago

Nom du module


Trigram : MD


Value proposition

Market Definition is a functional use module:

  • Select the products you want to include and exclude in the calculation of your indicators

  • View the number of references contained in your selection

  • Distinguish the number of active references (= at least one sale for 24 months) from the number of inactive references (= no sale for 24 months)

This module is for you if:

You want to follow your market share on a limited product scope

Ex: I am a product manager. My market is made up of 3 segments. I want to calculate my market share on only 1 of the 3 segments

Data sources

Pharmaceuticals data

GSA drugstore data

Geographical territories

Metropolitan France data




Limitations may apply depending on market size

Applicable on human drug, veterinary drug and non-drug


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