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My Query All Products

View your segments and qualifying fields (Ex: galenic, solar index, promotions ...) as well as your Restriction

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago

Module name

Trigram: MQ



My Query is a functional use module

  • Check the list of products contained in your segments and qualifying fields. Select a product and visualize in which segment (s) and qualifying field (s) it belongs

  • Calculate the number of references present in a segment or in a qualifying field

  • Use My Query to view your indicators in all the HUB sheets with the segments and qualifying fields of your choice

This module is for you if

  • You have added qualifying segments or fields to your product database

  • You have applied a Market restriction or by TECHNICAL CODE 2 list or GTIN list.

Data sources

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data

  • Corsica

  • DROM-COM: Guadeloupe, Reunion, Martinique, Guyana


  • No limitation on the size of the markets

  • Applicable to human medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products and non-medicinal products



Sales & Marketing Essential

Objects found in the sheet

  • Dimensions as standard filters

  • Dimensions specific to your subscription in the form of filters (Ex: Customer type)

  • KPIs Number of Selected products, #of active products, TOTAL of products

  • Specific dimensions relating to your market such as your Qualifying Fields / Product Fields.

  • OHC_DateInscriptionDTM

  • OHC_DateInscriptionSRC

  • TECHNICAL CODE 1 filter

  • TECHNICAL CODE 2 filter

  • Restricted Perimeter Code GTIN filter (YES / NO)

  • Restricted Perimeter Code 7 filter (YES / NO)

  • Restricted Perimeter Market filter





  • My Query does not allow rebasing market share. Use 'Market Definition'


Current version

  • Added filters:

Restricted Perimeter Filter GTIN Code (YES / NO)

Restricted Perimeter Code 7 filter (YES / NO)

Restricted Perimeter Market filter

  • Addition of the traceability cartridge "Restricted Perimeter: Traceability"

  • Addition of the TECHNICAL CODE 1 filter

  • Addition of the TECHNICAL CODE 2 filter

  • Added OHC_DateInscriptionDTM filter

  • Added OHC_DateInscriptionSRC filter

Old Versions (Classic MQ)

  • Addition of Age and Gender fields for this specific version of the sheet available only in UAN version

  • Repositioned CQCP number 7 that had jumped into the selections container object. (Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Implementation of conditional display on Customer Type, Area, Sector filters.

  • Implementation of the Territory filter without conditional display.

  • Setting up conditional display on the Network filter.

  • Added Customer Type filter in conditional display

  • Sheet revised to display CQCPs in auto according to their number.

  • Review of the grid to prevent the fact that the Sub-Segment, Sub-Sub-segment and Sub-sub-sub-segment type fields will be with the other CQCPs

  • Module accepted on version v2005051144 of the standard, no change compared to version v2004201754 of this module.

  • Module accepted on version v2004271727 of the standard; no change compared to version v2004201754 of this module

  • Variability in the wording of the KPIs as well as the explanatory insert

  • Addition of the explanatory insert "Following field will not restrict product but sales" specific to "Network" and "Customer Type".

  • Added the Market Definition KPI "#Of Active Products" restricted to the market predefined by the user.

  • Correction of the TOTAL OF PRODUCT KPI so that no user selection can modify it.

  • Variability of the Product Code label for "GTIN"

  • Internal Technical Improvement

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  • Correction of your "Success" link following the redesign of the site.

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • Automatic integration of 16 qualifying hierarchical fields in a generic way taking into account the market restriction in MD.

  • Addition of the "Customer Type".

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • Modification of the Market, Network, Segment, Area, Sector, Company, Brand, Product Code, Product filters for Market Definition

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