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Sales Analysis - PIEX

Sales Analysis - PIEX

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago

Module name



The Sales Analysis module allows you to view volumes and amounts by customer and country:

  • Orders received

  • Orders in preparation

  • Orders pending invoicing

  • Invoiced orders

Exclusion of canceled orders (computer, manual cancellation or order received prior to the current year, whose status is closed and whose quantities delivered and invoiced are zero).

Data sources

  • PIEX

Geographical territories

  • International



  • NA

Objects found in the sheet

  • KPI

  • Period type selector

  • Time selector

  • Indicator selector

  • "Customer" filter area

  • Cartography

  • Cross table


  • Number of units purchased

  • Number of free units

  • Amounts according to the procurement price (€, VAT excl.)

  • Amounts according to the client price (€, VAT excl.)


Current version:

  • Sales Analysis - PIEX: v2009101233

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