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Cohort definition

Define the scope of your analysis

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago



The Cohort Definition module allows you to define the scope of the analysis you want to perform:

  • The Market / product including the choice of WHO ATC class and / or product code and / or brand…

  • Co-treatments with the possibility of including or excluding patients who have received, in addition, products belonging to selected WHO ATC classes

  • The Demographic Profile using patient age and gender variables

  • The Period including the choice of the regularity of pharmacy visits* and the selection of the analysis period (closed or open cohort)

* The regularity of the visits corresponds to the maximum time desired between 2 visits to the pharmacy (whatever the product dispensed) . Beyond this period, patients will be excluded from the analysis

Ex: if the regularity of visits is set at 3 months, each patient must return to the pharmacy at least every 3 months over the entire analysis period in order to be included.

Data sources

  • Patient Data

Geographic territories

  • NA


  • NA



  • Patient Analytics

Objects present in the sheet

  • WHO ATC classification level selector

  • WHO ATC class selector

  • Product selector (Code, label)

  • Product code selection text box

  • Active ingredient selector

  • Generic / original drug selector

  • Laboratory selector

  • Brand selector

  • CQCP (product qualifications) selectors

  • co-treatment button

  • Gender selector

  • Age group type selector

  • Age group selector

  • Slider for selecting the regularity of visits

  • Analysis period selector

  • Explanatory graph of analysis period

  • Navigation button to the visualization of the cohort

  • Delete selections button


  • NA


  • NA


Current version:

  • Added selectors for CQCP

Old versions:

  • Update of the traceability cartridge

  • Modification of the analysis period (addition of a period at the end of the inclusion)

  • Variabilisation

  • Addition of co-treatments

  • New specification


  • NA

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