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Why analyze sell-in in volume?
Why analyze sell-in in volume?

Why analyze sell-in in volume?

Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over a week ago


You wish to perform a comparative analysis of your sell-in data with the sell-out data made available to you by OpenHealth.
You have several indicators in your internal sell-in data, including volumes in units of units (or boxes) and values, generally expressed in turnover excluding taxes (turnover excluding tax).


For a comparative analysis, the indicator compared must be able to be perfectly identical and resulting from the same calculation methodology.
The failure to carry out this type of comparative analysis in value, is due to the fact of the many approximations that must be made to compare the HT sales of the sell-in with the sell-out which includes the margins and is understood to include all taxes. . The sell-in in value to be able to be compared to the sell-out must then include the pharmacist's margin, the wholesaler's margin and the taxes.
A volume comparison makes it possible to overcome these problems, a box which is bought by a pharmacist is likely to go out in sales and is perfectly comparable between its entry and its exit.


There are many advantages to studying sell-in in volume:

  • The volume indicator is exactly the same between input and output and therefore perfectly comparable ,

  • The volume comparison also makes it easy to take into account the free units , which will then be counted from the pharmacist's stock, and made available for sale,

  • The comparison of volumes also makes it easy to take into account takeovers , which will then no longer be available for sale.


able to dispose of your sell-in according to the following specifications:


Pharma only


Sales & Marketing Essential subscription

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