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How do I create, modify or delete a user?
How do I create, modify or delete a user?

Only a POWER USER can do it

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

First of all, please note that only a POWER USER can create, modify or delete a user.

First, you need to log into your account via the following address:

How do I create a user?

1 - Click on "My Team" (red box)

2 - Click on "Create a user"

3 - Fill in the mandatory parts one by one:

  • The email address of the user

Note: the users to be created must have an email address on the domain name previously declared (example: if your domain is "", the email addresses of your users must also end like this. If this is not the case, you must make a request to add a domain name to our Customer Success Center (

  • His email address (the email address must be written only in lower case)

  • His first name

  • His name

  • His function


Caution: the box below is checked by default, which gives access to all the sheets for the created user. If you do not want your user to have access to all the sheets, remember to uncheck this box, you will then edit your user and assign him only the desired sheets.

4 - Click on "Create a user"

How do I edit a user?

1 - Click on "My Team" (red box in the first screenshot above)

2 - Select the user to be edited (a POWER USER cannot be edited)

You are directed to the following interface:

You can then edit the user's information: first name, last name, function, but also his role: POWER USER, MIDDLE USER or USER.

Caution: If you change the user's role as POWER USER, you will not be able to edit it afterwards.

To give access to several or all modules of an application at once, please :

1. Hold down the CTRL key
2. Then click on the desired modules
3. And click on "Add"

How do I delete a user?

1 - Click on "My Team" (red box in the first screenshot above)

2 - Select the user to be deleted (a POWER USER cannot be deleted)

3 - Then click on the red box "Delete user"

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