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Medication Possession Rate (MPR)

Sébastien MEIGE avatar
Written by Sébastien MEIGE
Updated over a week ago

Compliance is a reflection of the quality of treatment taken.
It is often measured by the "Medication Possession Rate" (MPR) indicator.
The MPR indicator can be expressed by the number of days of treatment over the number of days in the period observed and is generally calculated by year.
When the MPR indicator is greater than or equal to 80%, we speak of "good" compliance.


The MPR indicator must first be calculated for each insured person. Then a distinction must be made between those insured with social security whose MPR is greater than or equal to 80% to count the observing social insureds, and those whose threshold is lower than 80%, who do not comply.
For a given product over a year, for 1 000 social insured, we have
the distribution of social insured by 10% of MPR as below:

In our example, 38% of social policyholders are observant (whose MPR is at least 80%): 7.3% + 8.0% + 22.7%.
By deduction, we have 62% of non-compliant social insurance.


There are several possible formulas to calculate the MPR . These different formulas are explained on the site of the ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research), an international pharmacoeconomics and research organization, accessible at the address
Other measures can be used in the treatment adherence calculations, the PDC (Proportion of Days Covered) is one such measure. The PDC ratio provides a more accurate representation of drug adherence because it eliminates the possibility of being excessively high, either when a patient receives a dispensation earlier than the end of their product stock, or in the case of calculations involving several drugs for the same treatment.


Observance can be translated into English by Compliance.




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