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Wastewater chemistry
Wastewater chemistry

Chemical substances monitored in wastewater

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago


Various elements are monitored in wastewater to determine water quality and also contamination of the water system by stormwater.


TKN: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen

It corresponds to the nitrogen (N) that is input to the wastewater treatment plant. It corresponds to the ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3 / NH4+).

NO2- : Nitrites

Anions resulting from the biological treatment of NTK

NO3- : Nitrates

Anions resulting from the biological treatment of nitrites

NG : Global Nitrogen Level

It corresponds to the sum of NTK, NO2- and NO3-.

Pt: Total Phosphorus

Concentration of phosphorus, element responsible for the eutrophication of soils.

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