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GIHSN Excel file

Written by OpenHealth - Customer Success Center
Updated over a week ago

Please find below the procedure to request integration of data into the GIHSN platform via excel file, if the data has not been integrated according to the protocol via the on-line data collection tool

1 - Use the Template for the 2019-2020 season. If you do not have it in your possession, make the request at the following email address:

  • Patients less than 5 years of age: " TBL-OHC 200228-Template LESS 5 GIHSN 19-20_MLC.xlsx"

  • Patients 5 years of age or more: " TBL-OHC 200228-Template MORE 5 GIHSN 19-20_MLC.xlsx"

2 - Complete the Template according to the entry rules in the tab "Description_less 5" or "DESCRIPTION _MORE 5"

3 - Submit the completed Excel file (s) to the following email address:

4 - Your files will be checked before integration on the platform.

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