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Dispensation Dispersion Evolution

Visualize the distribution of the number of products sold per dispensation over time

Written by Anthony Cabos
Updated over a week ago

Module name

Trigram: DDE



The Dispensation Dispersion Evolution module allows you to:

  • Understand with which OMC ATC class (s) or with which product (s) a product is mainly associated

  • Have the number of products with which my product is sold

  • Observe the evolution of the composition of dispensations

  • Find out if a product is sold alone or in a group

This module is for you if:

  • You want to know which products are most frequently associated with your products or those of your competitors

  • You want to look for pathology markers through the study of Co-Dispensations

Data source

  • Data from pharmacies

Geographic territories

  • Metropolitan France data



Use & Analytics Advanced

Objects found in the sheet

  • 'Dispensation fees' selector

  • Time selector

  • Functional cartridge

  • Time buttons

  • Analysis button (Nb of GTIN / Volume)

  • 'Absolute Evolution of elements' object

  • 'Frequency Evolution of elements' object



N / A


Corsica data
Customer Type
GSA parapharmacy data
Observatory data


Current version

  • Fixed analsye period type label in "Absolute Evolution of Elements" and "Frequency Evolution of Elements" bar charts. ($ (vDimension_Type_Rolling_Monitoring_libelle) positioned as time dimension label in sheet objects: Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Setting up the narrow "Grid" and placing objects according to this new grid.

  • Installation of the warning "/! \ No compliant Data Input /! \" within the traceability cartridge.


  • Correction to replace the dynamic variable of the time buttons of v_Step_Periodic_Buttons_for_DDE for a variable common to both CDE and DDE modules v_Step_Periodic_Buttons_for_CDE_DDE (Internal Technical Improvement)

  • Automation of the display of analysis period type selection buttons.

  • Internal Technical Improvement

  • First version of the module

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