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How to create a pivot table in Excel from the HUB?

There are many ways to export data to Excel

Maxime LE MOIGNIC avatar
Written by Maxime LE MOIGNIC
Updated over a week ago

How to create a pivot table in Excel from the HUB?

You have several options in the HUB to export your data flat and create a pivot table in Excel.

This article contains the following sections:

  • Creating a flat Excel file from the 'My Data Archive' sheet

  • Create a flat Excel file from the 'On Demand Table' sheet.

You can find this article on video here.

:On Demand Table Sheet

Option 1: Create a flat Excel file from the 'My Data Archive' sheet.

Limitation: this technique only extracts sales volumes, sales values and market shares.

1. Select a time period directly from the calendar in 'My Data Archive'. 2.

2. Export data by right-clicking on the table

Option 2 : Create a flat Excel file from the 'On Demand Table' sheet.

1. Remove subtotals & totals ("Without totals & subtotals")

2. Select a reference period, a time period, your dimensions and your measurements

3. Right-click to export the data ("Export data")

4. Once in Excel, type CTRL + A on your keyboard to select all the data in Excel

5. Defuse the cells by clicking on "Merge and center" :

6. Select the empty cells using the "Find and select" button

Select "Empties"

7. Fill in the empty cells, by typing on the keyboard "=" then top arrow " ↑" and finally press Ctrl+Enter

8. Optional: replace formulas by values by clicking CTRL+A, CTRL+C, and paste value

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